
Teen boys by a computer

Our Mission

Empower immigrants and refugees in our community with a particular focus on kids, teenagers, young adults and survivors of trauma.  Path Project will enable access to high-quality support programs with an initial focus on:

  • Youth School Enrollment

  • Academic Support

  • Sports & Fitness Participation

  • Social, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Wellness

  • Outdoor, Experiential Leadership through Established Partners

  • Vocational Exposure

  • Access to Safe Shelter for Survivors of Trauma

    Our aim is to drive resiliency by creating a path for multi-generational security and wellness in our immigrant community.

Our Team

Kristin Statham

Kristin Statham is the Executive Director for Path Project and has a long track record advocating for immigrants and refugees. She has worked as a U.S. diplomat for the past 14 years, including six years serving our country in foreign postings in the Middle East and South Asia. 

Kristin is a long-time sailor and a volunteer sailing coach at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) in the Command and Seamanship Training Squadron (CSTS) program, one of the premier summer training programs for midshipmen at USNA focused on experiential leadership and teamwork - see program description here. She is also the parent of an immigrant teenager and has a heart to embrace young immigrants and their families as critical resources for our community.

You may contact Kristin directly here.

Rene Velado

Rene Velado is the Fitness Lead for Path Project with over 20 years of coaching and training experience. Originally from Nicaragua and raised in Costa Rica, Rene has been a personal trainer in Annapolis since 2007; he was voted Best Personal Trainer in Annapolis by What's Up Magazine and has also been recognized twice as runner up for Best Personal Trainer in Annapolis by the Capital Gazette.

Rene's specialty is teaching proper movement for all ages and fitness levels, injury prevention, targeted rehabilitation, and nutrition. Rene's passion is youth mentorship and helping people overcome their self-perceived limitations. He is a proud husband and father of two sons and one daughter.

Susana Cruz

Susana is a Board Member for Path Project and the Director of Families for Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministries at St. Mary's Church in Annapolis. As Director of Families, Susana enables access to legal help, medical services, and essential household items (food, baby supplies, medication) for immigrant families. Susana is also a vital part of the ministry at St. Vincent de Paul and helps bring the Mexican Consulate monthly to Annapolis to facilitate ID and passport issuance for Mexican families.

Susana and her husband immigrated from Mexico over 30 years ago and since then have built a life of service to the immigrant community in the Annapolis area. She is a proud mother, champion of the marginalized, and a dearly loved member of the immigrant community in Annapolis.

Our Partners

With the support of our partners, we are able to provide access to high-quality programming at no cost to the participant.

Teen hugging on a hike
Teens doing workout class
Teens doing homework