Teens on a hike

Our Programs

Our offering of programs is meant to enrich the lives of the youth immigrant and refugee community, while providing resources that their demographic often lacks. Our goal is to create a path towards hope and more successful life for both themselves and their families.

Current Offerings

  • Two people kayaking

    Experiential Leadership

    Enable immigrant teens to access established programs that grow leadership, teamwork, resilience and relational skills through physical fitness and outdoor activities. During the year, teens will develop and refine program structure and activities to inform future runnings. Our group of teenagers will begin indoor foundational physical training through program partners on January 31, 2023. Stay in touch for more information.

  • Youth group learning about a job

    Vocational Exposure

    Introduction to professions that are critically under-resourced by immigrants. By offering early exposure to a wide variety of vocations, we hope to inspire and set up our youth participants to achieve successful working lives after their primary education.

  • Students learning in a classroom

    Academic Enrollment & Support

    Empowering immigrants and refugee youth to enroll in school to further their education and enabling access to the academic support they need. Many youth who immigrate to Anne Arundel County are not enrolling in school. We're looking for programs to partner with and support as we initiate programming to address this critical challenge.

  • Group fitness class

    Physical Wellness

    By offering youth immigrants a refugees access to physical fitness instruction and athletic activities, we can offer our participant an outlet of joy and freedom, foster social connection and allow them to reap the benefits of physical activity - such as enhancing mood, reducing stress and improving overall emotional well-being.

New Participants

Interested in enrolling or learning more - fill out the form below.

Existing Participants

Access our calendar of events below.